Thursday, August 10, 2006

In relationships, privacy is very important. You will be provided with the duplicate key (she will say that u r the person close to her heart and very trustworthy and will never peep inside), u might have the permission, but u shouldn’t peep inside. That may be called as diplomacy. I feel that’s more to do with ur own peace of mind. When u peep, u will have two options. One u can be sure that nothing is wrong. Number two, u might see something which u do not want to see. If nothing is wrong, no issues. If something is wrong u will have two options. One keep ur mouth shut and think whatever u want. Two – u can always ask her. If u opt for one, u might end up with losing ur peace of mind. That’s like pebbles on ur shoes. Neither u can forgive nor u can forget.(u will end up saying to urself that “enda key use panninom). If ur option is two, u will have two more options. One – there will be a smart explanation provided. Two – there will be a quarrel initiated. In both the cases, there is a high possibility of removing the key from u (permission will still be there, but without the key what the hell r u going to do with the permission). So atlast, you will be in a pool of misunderstanding like – 1. u will not be able to accept the explanation. 2. u wud have been hurt deeply bcause the key has been taken away from you. (who knows the key may go to another trustworthy person). NOW, u have two options. 1. return the key immediately. 2. keep the key with you (but iam sure u will be tempted to use it) and face the consequences… I said earlier….in relationships, privacy is very important…

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