Tuesday, July 18, 2006

the old ones...i hate these guy, who really dont know nothing but pretend to know everthing...was going theough a blog where the topic of dicussion is abt a good husband and wife.. the blogger has quoted abt the manuneedhi...one of the has commented that those are craps...he neither have studied fully nor he knows abt it in full...he might be a very good guy in software ,, but that doesnt mean that he knows everything..some time back got a book from one of my friend which speaks about second hand thoughts.. the author goes very deep into the topic which i dont understand as usual...but the concept was really nice...didnt read much...but the book speaks about our thinking process... we humans are all along driven by forced thoughts of someone else...i bet nobody in this society now have thier own thought.. u join a college bacuse one of your friend suggested that its good....we speak everything which another guy at some point of time has said... we are very good in debating..but again all our views are influenced by other's thought... then the thoughts of the other person should be original...no it is not...he had learnt it from somebody else....thats may be bcause of the fact that the humans form groups and they live in society.....to live in a society, the thoughts shoudl be similar....so thinking in this way, all the like minded persons formed a group,, based on the situation we change groups....so all along our thoughts are not original... but we take full pride in our thoughts...thiking differently is different from difference in thinking....our people, to show that they are different, differ with others thinkig, thats like gaining popularity by opposing something...thats mere foolishness i would say....at some point of time those thoughts will be crushed by some one's feet...

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